
Reportaj TVR1 – Shakespeare Training, primul centru Cambridge CELTA din Romania – August 2014

Stire Radio Zu – Cursul CELTA organizat de Shakespeare School – singurul centru CELTA din Romania – August 2014

EVZ.roSuper profesorii care predau engleza altfel

CurierulNational.roCambridge CELTA certifica 12 profesori romani, la noi in tara, pentru a preda engleza oriunde in lume

Cariereonline.roCursuri de acreditare pentru predat limba engleza

Clopotel.roCambridge CELTA certifica 12 profesori romani la noi in tara pentru a preda engleza oriunde in lume – Primul curs Cambridge CELTA din Romania


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“This course will be really useful when I go back to school and I hope my students will benefit from all I have learned.”

Marta J., Spain

“Although very intense, the CELTA course has to be where I have learned the most about teaching.”

Diana Graur, Romania

“I honestly can’t imagine teaching without the knowledge I’ve gained through the CELTA training.”

Ramona Ivan, Romania